Several DynRisk commands brings up a “Navigate” dialog box. To complete the command action, DynRisk needs you to select a node, event, folder, etc. Although the dialog boxes look very similar, there are in fact two different types of “Navigate” dialog boxes with slightly different behavior. Both dialog boxes contain the following items: • the “Directory” list box • The “Directory” popup menu • The “Windows” popup menu • The “OK” button • The “Cancel” button The “Directory” list box contains a scrollable list of objects, all located in the same directory of the current model. The contents of the “Directory” popup menu changes according to which directory you are viewing. The top menu item contains the name of the current directory, i.e., the folder containing the objects shown in the “Directory” list box. The rest of the menu items are names of the folders further up in the hierarchy. Choosing an item in the popup menu moves you upwards in the folder hierarchy, to the chosen directory. That is, the directory corresponding to the selected folder name in the menu, becomes the current directory in the dialog box. To move to a directory one level below the current directory, you select the corresponding folder in the “Directory” list box, and click the “OK” button. Alternatively, you can double-click the folder in the “Directory” list box. As a result, the directory corresponding to the selected folder in the list box, becomes the current directory in the dialog box. The “Windows” popup menu contains a list of the currently open windows belonging to the current model. Selecting an item in this popup menu, brings you to the corresponding directory. That is, the directory corresponding to the selected window title in the “Windows” popup menu, becomes the current directory in the dialog box. Move to directory The first dialog type is used to select a directory, i.e., the location inside a folder. This type appears when you choose the following command: • Move to other… For this dialog type, the static text item in the upper left-hand part of the dialog box displays the text “Move to directory” In the “Directory” list box, only the folder objects can be selected. All other objects are disabled, and appear as gray. By using the navigation methods explained above, i.e., double-clicking folders in the “Directory” list box, and using “Directory” and the “Windows” popup menus, you can find your way to the directory where you want the selected objects to be moved. When you have found the right directory, you finish the dialog by clicking the “OK” button. Make sure that no item is selected in the “Directory” list box when you do this. As a result, the selected objects are moved to the chosen directory.